Dr. Ir. Pieter Punt
A good balance between thinking and doing is paramount to him. Strategically and conceptually strong, in combination with entrepreneurial, commercial drive. Focused on interventions that get to the heart of the matter, can make a difference and create value, even if it requires to swim against the current and question what has been accepted as obivious.
Graduated in Industrial Engineering and Management Science (Master) at the Technical University of Technology and since 1995 active in various end responsible (interim) positions in the manufacturing and service industry and contracting business. Promoted to doctor (PhD) in 2000 based on his research on Change Management and the development of a robust change methodology. Stands for situational leadership and tries to be “hard on the facts”, but also “supportive to each other”. Broad, international experience and track record with listed companies and family businesses in various phases of development as board member and general and commercial director.
Always asks the question how an organization can distinguish itself and how underlaying value proposition and earnings can be improved, thereby taking into account the interests of all stakeholders. Has hands-on experience with strategy development and improvement programs, organizational change and reorganizations, including turnaround and integration management. Has been integrally responsible for business development and international expansion in various industries, ranging from high volume mass production to “one-off” projects. Worldwide, via M&A or organic growth through agents, the extension of local establishments and/or setup of new ventures and local offices.

The acronym of International Change Engineers, “ICE”, refers to Lewin (1890-1947) who described the phenomenon of behavioral change and has become a reference for management thinkers on organizational change.
Change is taking place between two points of stability, with the metaphor of unfreezing – changing – refreezing as process description. Organizations and the environment in which they operate, have changed considerably over the last decades, as well as the applicable change methods. The beauty of the initial concept nevertheless remains.
Organizational changes submerge and interact with direct surroundings, settings and broader environment, which as a whole is constantly subject to – sometimes disruptive – changes, (re)actions and countervailing powers. Every change needs to find meaning in this force field. Meaning that has preferably been shaped by a free mind, which stands for something, matters and can be justified afterwards. Robust change refers in this context not only to successful completion of change operationally. Above all, it stands for doing what is just and right strategically.
Pieter established PUNT ICE in 2015, with prime focus on business consultancy and interim management. A network of trusted advisors enables him hereby to involve specialist knowledge and experience when an assignment requires.